Anyway, I knew the wait for Christmas 2011 until our departure date early in November would be a long wait...but the wait was totally worth it! We had the best vacation because on the boat you don't worry about a show up for dinner and they feed you, you go to the pool and watch movies on the giant jumbo-tron screen above the pool, you go to bed and your bed is pulled down for you...I knew 1 hour after setting foot on the boat that my family would be returning for a future!
We started our trip with a few days at Disney World...we are physically unable to be that close to the Magic Kingdom without making a stop. We spent Halloween trick or treating at the Magic Kingdom followed by 2 days split between Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios.
If you know Ruth guess who decided the theme for this year's costumes...
She's more a "pirate" girl than a "princess" girl...and when asked who her favorite pirate is her response "Captain Hook"...I hope she doesn't always have a soft spot for a bad boy...that could make for long & stressful teen years...
Here is Tripp on his very first trip to Disney on his very first ride...
He wasn't quite as thrilled with the tea cups...
Tripp's fave...dinner...clearly it takes a lot of eating to keep those cheeks so kissably plumb!
We stopped to watch the first of the 2 Halloween parades and I tried to get a picture of my 2 little pirates...but they put on a show for all those around to least the spectators thought it was funny...I failed to see the humor...
Tripp was crawling around on the dirty, filthy ground...he was removed in the hopes Ruth Ann would cooperate...she didn't...
The parade got closer to starting so my mom offered to let Ruth Ann sit on her shoulders...Ruth Ann was a little nervous...
My mom very nearly lost an eye with that hook of hers...but she eventually relaxed and appreciated the view...
This is a terrible picture...but she got to see her favorite pirate...
Spooky castle at night with a nearly full moon...
Since this was Tripp's first trip to Disney he had to learn the valuable lesson of waiting patiently...he wasn't a fan...
It may be cruel to take pictures of your crying children...but what I love and think is so funny about this picture, is this looks almost identical to the way he cried on the day he was born...and I think he's precious even when he's crying! His mood improved...and declined...and improved through out the trip...
We kinda felt like we were in the company of a celeb with Hollywood here...
We dined with some characters on Thursday morning. Cape May Bay at Beach Club resort is our favorite breakfast...we gone there 3 years running...Tripp had not warmed up to the characters year...eventually Goofy was his favorite, although he was not a fan just yet...
Waiting on our boat ride to take us back to Hollywood Studios...
We visited another pirate we enjoy...although he appears to be man handling my baby...Jake just thought Cpt. Hook was a bad guy...had he made my baby cry he would have had to tangle with me!
Watched Disney Jr. Live...
Ummm...unimpressed...Tripp out!
I always let Ruth Ann pick 1 stuffed animal while were at Disney...without having seen Toy Story 3, Ruth Ann picked Lots-O on our trip last year...again with the bad guys...anyway, I thought it was so sweet how he looked like he was waving to her here...she has since seen the movie many times, she still likes him anyway.
Face painting is always a must for Ruth Ann...I managed to talk her into something sweet this year...last year she picked a pirate face complete with a black patched that looked more like a huge black eye by the end of the day...
Tripp wasn't sure what to think about his sister's makeup...
You have to know, when we do Disney, we DO Disney...for us to be gone from our room from 9am-9pm is not uncommon...this meant Tirpp did a lot of napping on the go...I could fill a whole post up with "Places Tripp Slept"...
The rest of us enjoyed Beauty and the Beast...
Then headed over to watch Fantasmic...
The next day we went back to Magic Kingdom and were joined by Andrea, Anna & Dee (Andrea's mom)...
Ruth Ann, Anna, Andrea and I rode Splash Mountain together...this was Ruth Ann's first real Big Kid ride...she wasn't super excited about, but she made it through and had a lot of fun...but she kept telling me it made her tummy tickle!
After riding Buzz Lightyear I told the kids this was Disney Jail...
Here's our hotel, Bay Lake Towers, from the ride Ruth Ann & I were spinning around on...
And Tripp fell asleep again...
This time Aunt Andrea was there to happily hold this sleeping heavy weight...
Ruth Ann was inducted as pirate by Capt. Jack Sparrow...and here's the paper work to prove it...
We walked and shopped a little bit longer to enjoy every last minute of our last day at's never fun leaving...but clearly I couldn't get any more fun out of my kids...
I let the both sleep as my mom and I made our way to dinner with Cinderella, the step mother and the step sisters. Luckily Ruth Ann woke up and got to enjoy our last dinner at Disney...
This is the most cooperative Ruth Ann has ever been for a picture...I think she may have had a crush on Prince Charming...
But Tripp continued to sleep...
But Grammy & Ruth Ann enjoyed the show...
Then we headed back to our room, packed up and headed out the next morning...Part 2 of our vacation was just 1 day away...
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