I'm sure ever female on the planet has seen the movie "Steel Magnolias". When I moved into my apartment my senior year at Auburn I had to wait a week for the cable to be turned on and in that time I watched my DVD of this movie daily...sometimes multiple times daily...and I think I cried every time. The one thing that always amazes me the most was just how huge Julia Roberts lips get when she is crying...whether it was to her momma about wanting "...thirty minutes of wonderful than a lifetime of nothing special." or when she has a diabetic seizure at Truvy's...her lips get incredibly enormous...
It appears when Tripp gets his cry on his lips do the same thing...
Perhaps I have a little movie star in the making...he definitely has a flair for the dramatic!
This made me laugh out loud. You are hilarious and this picture is too! I love your blog writing!
This made me laugh out loud. You are hilarious and this picture is too. I love your blog writing skills!
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