There are times when I think it would fun to have a whole bunch of little girls...they really are a lot of fun...
And even though there are times that she pushes my buttons and dangerously close to the edge of my sanity...I really believe that even if I had 20 more little girls I would still love her most...I can't help it, she acts just like her momma!
Thanks to having a generous & very sweet friend we've had lots of fun Myrtle Beach days...and lots of fun in the waves...and I don't care what the West Coast says because I love our Myrtle Days! A little beach music reference for those who enjoy & appreciate good beach music!
I'm getting ready to overload you with our beach get ready...there are a ton of them because I think my kids are by far the cutest kids on the beach!
One day Tripp is going to H-A-T-E me for this picture...but I love his little Coppertone tan and his little crooked crack...which he's had his whole life!
Sometimes I wonder why we didn't name this little girl "Archie Bruce McCarty, III"...they are two peas in a pod...
On our last trip we got to spend the day with my brother-in-law and his family...
Page thought this pirate looked like Will Ferrell's brother in "Step Brothers"...I totally agree!
So much fun...but it's pretty hard not to have fun at Myrtle Beach with fun friends!
So this is super long over due...but I finally sat down and loaded 2 months worth of pictures and can finally update some fun times in the last few months that I dont' want to forget...
We loved Ruth Ann's first year at Mt. Hebron Day School. The month of May was jammed packed with fun school activities and it seemed to make the month fly by. We started May by going to a graduation/end of school performance...
I have to add that in the days prior to this performance they sent home a letter asking little girls not wear giant bows in their hair so they didn't obstruct other kids. I kinda felt like it read "Ruth Ann's momma, we're looking at you!" I had a slight panic because as we've outgrown bows I've passed them onto others...I managed to find one I thought was acceptable!
Tripp came with us so that meant we had to make an early exit because he got a little bit tired of sitting quietly...
After the show was over we got to visit their classroom and see the art work they have been working on in art class every other week...
(Ruth Ann's art work is on her side closet to her hair bow)
During the last week of school they had a field day...
And then the last day of school was upon us...a day I had been dreading. I love having Ruth Ann home with me during the summer and not having to get up to have her at school bright and early...but I'm always sad to have a reminder that yet another year is behind us and Ruth Ann is one more year older...and one more year farther away from being my little baby girl...tear.
And here are Ruth Ann's teachers, Ms. Rhonda and Ms. Catherine...such sweet teachers...we've been missing them this summer and will miss them next year too!
And Ruth Ann's BFF...
We are eagering waiting to get our teacher's assignment for net year and are looking forward to another great school year...way crazy that it's only 4 weeks away!
Fluffy is the oldest of our family pets. She was given to me by my Aunt Jill 6 years ago. She started off as a very shy cat, but has become extremely friendly and is a favorite with our friends and family. I've heard it said by some of my husband's friends who don't like cats (I know...who doesn't love a cat??) that they don't like other peoples cats, but they do like Fluffy. She's winning people over to the cat side one person at a time!
Shelby is my true and faithful companion. He recently turned 4 years old this past June. Although Arch and I were dating when I purchased Shelby, he still spent his formative years with me alone and therefore tends to be slightly more loyal to me. Because of his beauty and name his gender is constantly questioned by Arch. Shelby is infact a boy...he can't help he's a beautiful boy!
Lacie Louise
Although I purchased her at Pets Inc. 3 years ago after my beloved cat Gracie Louise passed away, I still consider her my baby kitten. I don't typically give middle names to my pets, but these names seemed to roll off of the tongue. Lacie has a larger than life personality and at times I almost think she has something she is going to say to me. Arch is constantly saying she's response "She's crazy like a fox!"
Griff is the newest and will probably be the last family pet we will acquire for some time. We have eagerly awaited his arrival since the passing of our last golden retriever and look forward to having him for many years to come. Arch can't wait for the spring and summer to take him out on the lake and see this water dog in action. He has high hopes of hours of fun on the water...I think he's going to be a big lazy lap dog.