Tuesday, January 29, 2013

My Babies

Almost as quick as Tripp's wheezing began...it's gone. Yesterday was the first day we didn't do a breezing treatment and I haven't heard a single wheeze so I'm hoping he'll be healthy for at least the next week or 2...is it Spring yet??

In the last month it's amazing how much Tripp has changed. He's vocabulary has taken off from 1-2 word sentences to 5-6 word sentence full of adjectives and verbs, correct tenses (for the most part) and possessive nouns. Ruth Ann was a talker very early on but I never expected Tripp to have the same vocabulary skills...boys aren't usually early talkers...he has proved me wrong. As fun as it is to chat with my sweet little boy...it has me feeling like my babies aren't babies anymore...and that makes me sad.

 When I look at this sweet face...

 Since having children I have always feared one of them would attempt cutting their own hair...I just assumed the child to do this would be Ruth Ann...I was wrong... of

of course I still see my baby boy...but he's dropping his baby chubbiness and lots of his baby ways by what seems like the minute...

Thank goodness there are no peanut allergies in this house...this little peanut with never survive without his peanut butter jelly samich!

 He doesn't use his high chair anymore and loves sitting up at the bar with his big sister to eat his favorite meal...peanut butter & jelly sandwich.

And this is the chair I rocked him in during those nights when he was still tiny and not sleeping through the night...now he looks at books in this chair...by himself...without his momma...

This big green incredibly comfy chair has been in both my kids room's while they were in cribs. As Tripp's crib days are coming to an end, I've wondered what we would do with it next...looks like it's going to be the new reading hot spot!


 By the time Ruth Ann was this age I was days away from having Tripp...so I think her metamorphosis from baby to toddler was less noticeable...she also has NEVER wanted to be the baby..she's always had an independent streak running through her...I'm not sure where that came from...

Tripp is perfectly happy to tell anyone "I'm not a baby, I'm mommy's baby."...more truer words were never spoken...he's going to be my baby for the rest of my days!

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