Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bad Words

For those who know me in real life or if you've been reading my blog for a while you may already know this about me...I'm a proud Auburn Tiger. And not just because we are the defending National Champions in football...and I love those Tigers even though we went from 1st to Worst this year. I fell in love with Auburn when I went on my college tour in 1995 and never looked back.

I decided once I had children that I would begin to brainwash teach them to love Auburn too...


Ruth Ann's first campus tour...Spring 2009


Dressed super cute for her first football season as an Auburn Tiger...I miss those rolls in her thighs!


Ruth Ann's first tailgate/football weekend...Fall 2009

And I'm doing the same with Tripp too...


Gameday clothing...Fall 2011


Tripp's first campus tour...Fall 2011

For those who also know me in real life you also know that saying "bad words" is not something I have a problem with. We've kept our language clean around here even before little ears were around. However, a few weeks ago we watched "Roll Tide/War Eagle" on ESPN and when Ruth Ann repeated "Roll Tide" I promptly told her those were BAD WORDS! Since learning this her little ears have been on guard against "bad words".

Example #1: While I was driving a few weeks ago I was trying to merge right while the car in front of me (with a giant Alabama sticker on their back window) was trying to merge left. The car stopped short and I nearly clipped the back of the car. Out loud, I said "Come on, go Alabama." to which Ruth Ann promptly said "Momma, don't say that, those are bad words. We say go Auburn Tigers."

Example #2: We're listening to Christmas music in the car...because I LOVE Christmas music and could really enjoy it all year long. In one song Ruth Ann heard "Yuletide"...she said "Mommy, they said a bad word. They said Roll Tide."

Clearly I need to be watching everything I say and do because this little girl is on the look out. Of course, currently her list of "bad words" is basically limited to anything related to the University of Alabama!

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