Monday, April 30, 2012

A Girl and Her Garden


I come from a long line of green Papaw always had the most beautiful garden that yielded potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, okra, squash, you name it...he grew it...and then my Granny spent weeks canning tomatoes and making my favorite...dill pickles. My Grandma grew the most beautiful flowers and could save just about any dying plant my mom sent her way. The green thumb gene is strong with my daddy too but where my mom is by far the smartest person I know, she doesn't have a green thumb...and I'm kinda afraid I don't have one either. The only thing we try to grow here at McCarty Acres are tomatoes...which we haven't had much luck with the last few years. My cousin Lynn, my dad's oldest niece, has been studying to become a master gardener and her sister's oldest will be working at a gardening center this summer...I'm hoping where Ruth Ann looks nothing like my family, she at least inherits some of my family's gardening skills. Arch's parents also have a beautiful garden every summer so she's been given a double dose! She dug holes in the dirt for hours this weekend...I hope she saved some energy for all the weed pulling ahead of her this summer...either way, she has some great-grandparents who would be very proud of her budding interest in gardening!  I did ask her who taught her how to use a shovel...and she said I least I've got her headed in the right direction! 

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