Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Santa 2010

Yeah, you're reading that title correctly, it's not a mistake...let me explain...


Last year on the Thursday before Christmas we decided as a family to go see Santa at what is the crummiest mall in town...but they have the BEST Santa and your pictures are taken by a photographer. We stood in line for over an hour...because this is the price you pay for waiting until Christmas Eve Eve to get in to see the Big Guy. I don't buy the prints, I like to buy the cd so I can save the pictures forever and post them to places like this blog. As I paid they told me the cd would be ready the following week. This mall is downtown and not far from one of the offices I work in, but I was going to be off the following week so I told them it would be after the 1st of the year (2011) before I could pick them up during my lunch break...does anyone remember how I spent New Year's Day 2011???

Since Tripp made is arrival a little early and then I was on maternity leave for the next 8 weeks I just could not remember to go by the studio in the mall to pick up my when we went for our Santa 2011 pictures I also went home with my cd from the year before...


I miss this baby girl...has anyone seen where she went??


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