It seems like every time I finish a garment for Ruth Ann or make a new appliqued t-shirt for her I think I've just made the cutest thing to date...but seriously, this might be the cutest things I've ever made...
I saw this applique and immediately knew I wanted to modify it just a little...
I LOVE red and any shade of blue and knew I had some turquoise buttons stored away. The appliqued had wheels to stitch out too, but I just skipped that step and added my own wheels...
I saw this applique first on a website that sells monogrammed clothes...then I randomly discovered the pattern a few weeks may be my favorite pattern to date!
I'm trying to do less things with her full name because she's at an age where she might respond to a stranger and not really understand how dangerous that is...isn't it sad that this is world we live in now?
At the Junior League Holiday Market 2 years ago I bought an outfit just like this. I ran into my sewing teacher while shopping, showed her what I bought and she thought we could easily come up with a pattern for this outfit. Not everyone in my class wanted to make it and then I started my never ending list of "Things I Want To Sew" and before I knew it this idea went to the back burner. I've been on maternity leave from sewing class but still make it into her shop on occasion. The last time I visited her I walked in and there on the wall was the pattern for this outfit!
Again, I changed a few things. It called for a ribbon to tie off the top...2 ribbons actually to make a bow on each side. I made one long sash and tied it off on just one shoulder. I made one other change that is too detailed to describe...
I've also made a stack of onsies for Tripp-man, but unfortunately everytime I try to get his picture in one he has spit up on it before I can get a good picture. Ruth Ann spit less than 5 times during her first year...Tripp is spitting up small amounts on a pretty regular basis. Arch says Spencer was a projectile spitter-upper so I'm convinced it has to do with the male gene!